Discover the 19th-century wine cellars in Mareuil-sur-Ay

Champagne house Guy Charbaut in Mareuil-sur-Ay warmly invites you to discover their 19th-century wine cellars and taste their exquisite cuvées, crafted with utmost care and expertise.

Explore the rich history and craftsmanship of this beautiful family-owned business.



Champagne Guy Charbaut

Since 1936, when grandfather André Charbaut planted his first vines on the privileged slopes of Mareuil-sur-Ay, the Charbaut family has been steadfastly committed to preserving their family values and the uniqueness of their products.

As winegrowers passing down from father to son for three generations, and now from father to daughter for the 4th generation, they have ensured the prestige of their brand and the quality of their production for the long term, benefiting from vineyards among the finest.

Today, it is Xavier, the grandson, who oversees the operation of nearly 14 hectares. Together with his wife Nathalie, they dedicate all their energy to managing their estate. Driven by unwavering passion, this winegrower couple constantly seeks new ideas to continue the history and excellence of Champagne Guy Charbaut.

Haute valeur  Viticulture  Vignobles & découvertes  

Do I need to book a visit at Champagne Guy Charbaut in advance?

We advise you to book in advance because availabilities are limited. However, of course you can also make a last minute booking.

Do I need to pay online?

No, you will pay at the champagne house (by cash, bank card, credit card)

Can I cancel my booking?

Yes, you can cancel your booking without any charges 24 hours before your visit takes place. * Please note that Champagne Guy Charbaut will charge you the full amount of the booking in case of no-show / no notification of cancellation or no timely cancellation.

How can I cancel my booking?

You can login into your own account on the website and cancel your booking without any costs 24 hours before your visit. Of course we will be happy to assist you with your questions by sending us an email to:

7 Activities


  • Pay upon arrival
  • No booking fee
  • Excellent customer service
  • Simple and fast

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